Privacy Policy

The management philosophy at Hakusuisha Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) is Hakusuisha, together with our customers, is shaping the culture of the era, and in accordance with the following policy, we protect and manage our business partners’ and employees’ personal information with great care and in the most appropriate manner.

1. Formulation and Continuous Improvement of the “Protection of Personal Information Management System (manual)”

The Company has formulated and is taking firm steps to implement the “Protection of Personal Information Management System (manual)” to ensure that executives and employees recognize the importance of protecting personal information and use and protect personal information appropriately. In addition, we are maintaining and constantly improving upon it.

2. Obtaining, Using, and Providing Personal Information

In consideration of the fact that the Company conducts integrated and comprehensive operations such as planning, directing, designing, and constructing mainly of commercial facilities, cultural facilities, leisure and amusement facilities, events, offices and showrooms, and signage, after establishing a personal information management system in accordance with the conditions of each operation, we will obtain personal information legally and fairly and use it within the scope of the purpose of use for which we obtained consent. In addition, we will manage personal information appropriately in accordance with the prescribed rules and make efforts to prevent its use for any purposes other than the original intent.

3. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

In the handling of personal information, the Company will comply with the laws and regulations applicable to the protection of personal information, the guidelines established by the country, and other standards. In addition, we will adapt our Protection of Personal Information Management System (manual) to these laws and regulations and other standards.

4. Implementation of Safety Measures

To ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, the Company will strengthen and maintain safety measures including information security measures implemented in the past, and make efforts to prevent and rectify the leakage, loss, damage, etc., of personal information.

Date of enactment: November 1, 2005
Date of revision: July 1, 2023
Hakusuisha Inc.
Shinichi Yamaguchi, President and CEO

Matters to be Announced regarding Personal Information Subject to Disclosure

Ⅰ. Company Name and Address, Name of Representative

Hakusuisha Inc.
Kabuto-cho Heiwa Bldg. No.1, 1F
5-1, Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026
Shinichi Yamaguchi, President and CEO

Ⅱ. Matters to be Announced regarding the Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Purpose of use of personal information when obtaining personal information by any methods other than directly in writing
Category of Personal Information Purpose of Use
Information about customers and business partners Execution of transactions with companies, organizations, etc. that have business relationships with the Company, including planning, design, production, and supervision of interior decorations, displays, events, signage, etc.
Information related to public relations and investor relations Response to various inquiries made to the Company and provision of IR information

Ⅲ. Matters that must be "Made Accessible to the Identifiable Persons" as regards to Personal Information Subject to Disclosure

1.  Purpose of use of personal information subject to disclosure by the Company
Category of Personal InformationPurpose of Use
Information about customers and business partners Execution of transactions with companies, organizations, etc. that have business relationships with the Company, including planning, design, production, and supervision of interior decorations, displays, events, signage, etc.
Information related to public relations and investor relations Response to various inquiries made to the Company and provision of IR information
Information on applicants for employment Employee selection and making employment decisions
Information on employees Personnel management and business communication
2. Providing personal information to third parties

The Company will appropriately manage the personal information obtained from any identifiable person and will not provide it to any third party without such a person’s prior consent, except in the following cases:

  • (1) When required by laws and regulations;
  • (2) When necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual where, at the same time, obtaining the consent of the identifiable person for that purpose is difficult;
  • (3) When particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children where, at the same time, obtaining the consent of the identifiable person for that purpose is difficult; or
  • (4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national government agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted thereby in executing functions prescribed by laws and regulations, where, at the same time, obtaining the consent of the identifiable person may impede the execution of such functions.
3. Procedures for responding to requests for disclosure, etc., of personal information

With respect to the personal information in our possession, if any identifiable person requests to be notified of the purpose of use of such information, to disclose such information, to correct, add or partly delete such information, to cease the use of such information, to completely delete such information, or to cease providing such information to any third party (such actions hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Disclosure, Etc."), the Company will respond without delay in accordance with the procedures described below.

  • (1) Contact for "Request for Disclosure, Etc."
    To make a "Request for Disclosure, Etc.," please send the prescribed request form together with other required documents to the following address:
    Personal Information Protection, Complaint, Consultation Desk, Management Hdqrs.,
    Hakusuisha Inc.,
    Kabuto-cho Heiwa Bldg. No.1, 1F
    5-1,Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026
  • (2) Documents (forms), etc. to be submitted for making a "Request for Disclosure, Etc."
    To make a "Request for Disclosure, Etc.," download the request form (A) from below, fill in all the required fields, and send it to us together with an identification document (B).
    • (A) Request form for "Request for Disclosure, Etc."
    Request Form for Disclosure, Etc. of "Personal Information Subject to Disclosure"
    • (B) Identification document
  • A copy of an official document, such as a driver's license or passport.
  • (3) Request for Disclosure, Etc. made by an agent
    If the request procedures are to be executed by the identifiable person's agent, please submit the following documents, etc. in addition to (2) above.
  • The agent's certificate of residence
  • Either set of the following documents to confirm the power of attorney granted to the agent:
    In the case of an agent by power of attorney: a letter of attorney (with the identifiable person's registered seal affixed) and a certificate of seal registration
    In the case of a statutory agent: A document, such as a copy of the certificate of family register, proving that the agent is a statutory agent
  • (4) Fees for "Requests for Disclosure, Etc." and method of collection
    A disclosure administration fee of 500 yen will be charged for each request.
    Please enclose 500 yen worth of postage stamps with the request documents when making the request.
    There will, however, be no charge when the request is for correcting, making additions to,
    or partly deleting the  personal information, ceasing the use of the personal information,
    completely deleting the personal information, ceasing provision of the personal information to third parties, etc.
  • (5) Method of responding to the "Request for Disclosure, Etc."
    Responses shall be made in the manner preferred by the claimant.
  • (6) Purpose of use of the personal information obtained in connection with the “Request for Disclosure, Etc.”
    The personal information obtained in connection with the "Request for Disclosure, Etc."
    shall be used solely for the   purpose of handling the request for Disclosure, Etc.
  • (7) Nondisclosure of personal information in the possession of the Company
    The information will not be disclosed in the cases described below. If a decision is made not to disclose the information,
    the Company will notify you to that effect and explain the reasons for the decision.
    The prescribed fees will still be required even in the case of the nondisclosure of the information.
    • a )The identification of the identifiable person cannot be confirmed;
    • b )The power of attorney of the agent making the request cannot be confirmed;
    • c )The prescribed request documents are insufficiently filled out;
    • d )The request for disclosure is made for personal information that is not subject to disclosure;
    • e )There is risk of harming or violating the life, body, property, or other rights or interest of the identifiable person or of a third party;
    • f )There is risk of substantially hindering the proper conduct of the Company's business; or
    • g )The disclosure will violate other laws or regulations.


4. Matters concerning the personal information protection manager and contact for complaints
  • (1)Personal information protection manager and contact information
    Head of a section, Corporate Planning Office, Dept. Management Hdqrs., Hakusuisha Inc.
    Kabuto-cho Heiwa Bldg. No.1, 1F
    5-1, Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026

    Tel: 03-3669-9400
  • (2)For complaints regarding our handling of personal information, please contact:
    Personal Information Protection, Complaint, Consultation Desk, Management Hdqrs., Hakusuisha Inc.
    Kabuto-cho Heiwa Bldg. No.1, 1F
    5-1, Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026

    Tel: 03-3669-9400 *Telephone reception hours: 9:00-17:30 on Mondays to Fridays
  • (3)The Company is a covered business of JIPDEC, which is a Certified Personal Information Protection Organization under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
    Contact for complaint resolution: Accredited personal information protection organization
    Address: 12th floor, Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
    Tel: 03-5860-7565 (toll free) 0120-700-779


Ⅳ.The Company's Security Control Measures concerning Personal Information

1. Establishment of basic policy

To ensure proper handling of personal data, the Company has established the "Personal Information Protection Policy" based on relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines.

2. Establishment of discipline in the handling of personal data

The Company has set down basic processes for handling personal data in the "Personal Information Protection Manual."

3. Organizational security control measures

The Company has a clear system of responsibility for the handling of personal data, clearly identified those employees authorized to handle personal data and the personal data that such employees can handle, and established channels of reporting and communication to managers in the event of any violation of laws or internal regulations, including when there are signs detected of such violation.
The Company has obtained the Privacy Mark, regularly conducts self-inspections and internal audits in the course of our operations, and is subject to periodic audits by an independent external third party.

4. Personnel security control measures

The Company provides employee training on personal data handling at the time of onboarding of new employees and regularly thereafter.
The Company’s employment regulations include matters related to confidentiality of personal data.

5. Physical security control measures

The Company controls employees’ access to rooms in areas where personal data are handled, and restricts equipment that can be brought into such rooms. Measures are also in place to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data.
Additional measures are in place to prevent theft, loss, etc. of equipment, electronic media, documents, etc. used in the handling of personal data, as well as to ensure that personal data does not become easily revealed when such equipment, electronic media, etc. are carried around, including within the office.

6. Technical security control measures

The Company has access control over information systems, and have restrictions on the employees who can be made in charge and the scope of personal information databases, etc. that they have access to.

7. Understanding of the external environment

When handling personal data in the possession of the Company in a foreign country, we gain understanding and insight into the foreign country’s system for protection of personal information and take necessary, appropriate measures for secure management of personal data.